Craig Moore - Electronic Objects Blog


Professor - Rob Duarte - Spring 2023

View the Project on GitHub CraigMoore3/ElecObjBlog

Jamuary 18, 2023 - in Class


Started class by discussing interactivity. The main takeaway was that it is important to step away from basic 1-1 call and response. Interctivity, as it pertains to this class, needs to move beyond the basic action of pressing a button and having a sound play or a light turn on. Truly interactive works will consist of multiple parts that function independently and interact with one another.

New Terms

GPIO - General Purpose Input/Output - signal pin on cirrcut board, can be used programmed for input, output, or both.

IDE - Integrated Development Environment - Comprehensive software development toolset - VSC, Arduino, etc.

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation - reduces average power by subdividing signal into multiple parts.

Analog vs Digital


Analog signal graph


Digital signal graph

Input vs Output



Additional Notes