Craig Moore - Electronic Objects Blog


Professor - Rob Duarte - Spring 2023

View the Project on GitHub CraigMoore3/ElecObjBlog

February 21, 2023 - Midterm Progress Update

After a slower start than I would have preferred, I’ve made some accelerated progress this week. This entry serves to collect each of my failed, forgotten, and replaced sketches, in addition to presenting my current status prior to our class meeting on the 22nd.

Working through sketches

I have to admit something: This project has been tough for me. I came into the course with lofty expectations and, truthfully, my head in the clouds. When it came time to start prototyping ideas, it felt like my creative well was completely dried out. It would be easy for me to credit this to my relative unfamiliarity with this approach to art making (my background with interactivity comes largely from my time working at an Arduino-powered escape room during high school), but I also think it is due to how much I was complicating things in my mind. My initial round of ideas relied too heavily on either graphics processing or a convoluted attempt at retro-fitting pre-existing frameworks for game design to work with the arduino. Not productive.

Sketch 1: Generative City Builder

Sketch 2: 2-Player Sensor Deul (Laser Chess)

Sketch 3: Living Tabletop

Sketch 4: Sonically Responsive Rocket

Sketch 5: The Death of Reason: (or) The Time Craig Wanted to Build a Rocket

Controller setup for Steel Batallion Xbox Game

Sketch 6: Oh Yeah! Now we’re getting somewhere (virtual pet)

Sketch 7: With all that said, where are we now?

Progress Update

With the TFT in my possession, I used the WaveShare Wiki Entry on connecting the TFT to the Arduino and got the hang of the basic functions and capabilities of the tft

Pin connections from TFT to Arduino

TFT Display displaying "Hello, world!"

TFT Display showing Waveshare defaults

TFT Display showing assorted custom text

As of now, my primary goal is to migrate from the Arduino IDE over to VSC, which will require me to move the LCD Driver and GUI Paint .cpp and .h files over to VSC. After that, I’ll integrate the ultrasonic and button functionality into the same project.

Simultaneously, I will continue exploring different methods for housing the project. Currently, I’m looking to modify a smartphone VR attachment so that one lens magnifies the display while the other is removed so that the user can still see their surroundings.

More updates to come soon.