Craig Moore - Electronic Objects Blog


Professor - Rob Duarte - Spring 2023

View the Project on GitHub CraigMoore3/ElecObjBlog

Lab 2 - Voltage Divider - January 12, 2023

Creating voltage dividers using resistors and a potentiometer, measuring the output with a multimeter


Formula for finding output voltage from a voltage divider

Schematic of a a voltage divider using two resistors

Detail shot of two 330 Ohm resistors on breadboard


My first goal was to get an accurate reading of a 9v battery divided by two 330R resistors.

Voltage reading of 9v battery running through two 330 Ohm resistors

Voltage reading of 9v battery reading 7.34v

Voltage reading of 9v battery running through potentiometer turned all the way down

Voltage reading of 9v battery running through potentiometer turned all the way up

