Craig Moore - Electronic Objects Blog


Professor - Rob Duarte - Spring 2023

View the Project on GitHub CraigMoore3/ElecObjBlog

Lab 4 - Analog Inputs on UNO R3 - January 26, 2023

Covering the basics of using analog inputs with the Uno R3


Visualization of Serial Communication


1: Serial Output

Screenshot of Excercise 1 code

Screenshot of Serial Monitor printing "hello!"

2: Voltage Divider

Photo of Voltage Divider breadboard layout

Screenshot of Voltage Divider Code

Screenshot of Voltage Divider Serial Monitor

2.5: Showing Volts Instead

Screenshot of modified code to convert to Volts

Screenshot of Serial Monitor displaying accurately divided voltage (2.5)

Screenshot of modified code to display "reading" and "voltage"

Screenshot of Serial Monitor displaying both "reading" and "voltage" values

3: Potentiometer

Photo of voltage divider breadboard using a potentiometer

Screenshot of Serial Monitor displaying a decreasing range of voltage values

4: Controlling the Brightness of an LED

Photo of new breadboard layout w/ LED and potentiometer

Screenshot of code to control brightness with potentiometer

Photo of successful LED control - low Brightness

Photo of successful LED control - high Brightness

5: Light Sensor

Photo of breadboard including photoresistor and the passive buzzer
